The Ultimate Guide To A Million Dollar eCommerce Store Even If You’re A Beginner!
This program will transform you from someone that’s just getting started in eCommerce to a profitable and power and profitable seller within 60 days or less!

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Start Your Ecommerce Empire Today

Did you know that 51% of FB/IG users worldwide have made a purchase using those platforms?

63% of the American population aged 13+ use Facebook.

78% Of American consumers have discovered retail products to buy via Facebook.

Facebook surpassed $100 billion revenue in 2021 for the first time, increasing its revenue by 37% year-on-year to $117.9 billion in 2021.

$40.5 billion of Facebook’s revenue is generated in US & Canada, despite only 10% of users being based in that region.

Can you see why Facebook is the platform to be right now if you are serious about ecommerce?

Discover everything you need to start a profitable online business and make money on Facebook Marketplace without any technical skills or prior business experience.

Amaan Khan

7 Figures WalMart & Facebook Shops eSeller

I was once in the same boat as you, dreaming of being free from financial burdens. My mom always told me that if I worked hard enough, I could achieve anything. So that’s what I did.

When I got my degree, I thought it would be the ticket to a better life that I was dreaming of. Instead, like everyone else, I ended up in the 9-5 grind. The pay was good for a while. But after a few years, I noticed something.

Every day I woke up exhausted, I started to hate the commute and felt stuck doing the same thing over and over again. To make matters worse, even though I graduated at the top 10% of my class, my work wasn’t giving me any fulfillment.

I realized that I needed to change. I wanted to be able to support my parents and myself without spending hours working at a desk — to enjoy life and see what the rest of the world has to offer.

That’s when I discovered eCommerce after coming across some videos of people selling stuff online. I loved how everything worked — from sourcing products to building an online store. I was attracted to the freedom and having control of my time and my own growth.

But It wasn’t easy – in fact, it took years of trial and error before I finally created a blueprint for building a successful eCommerce store from scratch. And that’s when things really started taking off – in total, my brother and I have made over 50 Million in sales.

I’m glad I stuck with it, because now I’m doing what I love. I’ve built this business from zero into a multiple 8-figure empire, and now I want to teach you how to do the same.

Freedom begins here

$50M+ in total eCommerce sales

Affiliate Marketing for over 10 years

2-3+ YEARS in FB Shops with $2.5M Sales in 2021

What’s Inside The Course

Chapter 1 Introduction & Facebook Shops Benefits

This chapter introduces you to what Facebook Marketplace is and the best that you can use it to earn money.

Chapter 2 Getting Started With Store Approval

Here you will learn how to properly open a Facebook shop for a higher chance of approval, the importance of a good product listing and what you can do to make the selling process easier.

Chapter 3 Customer Service & How To Reply To Customers Inquiries

In this section I will give you my formula for responding to all kinds of customer questions while maintaining a good relationship with them.

Chapter 4 What To Do Once You Get a Sale

Learn the process you need to perfect in order to keep your customers' trust and how you can make this process more efficient after each sale.

Chapter 5 How To Win From Chargebacks

Find out what a Facebook chargeback is, how to decide if it's worth disputing and my tips for the best chance of success over them.

Chapter 6 Think Big,
Not Small

This chapter tells you what you need to consider the moment your business starts growing and the one thing that can help you better manage your cash flow during high volumes of sales.

Chapter 7 Focus On Your Brand

Learn what you need to have in order for people to better recognize your eCommerce store and establish credibility.

Chapter 8 Getting Help

This section teaches you how to assemble a team, assign tasks and keep your Facebook Marketplace secure when letting other people help you.

Chapter 9 How To Track Multiple Orders Faster

I’ll share with you the method I use to track a large volume of orders at any given time and what tools you can use if you have a supplier from Amazon.

Chapter 10 The Quickest Order Fulfillment Method

Here I will teach you how to fulfill thousands of orders at least three times faster with the least amount of errors.

This Is Just A Fraction Of What You’ll Get And Discover Inside!


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Total Value $11,000 now only $997! That’s over $10,000 worth of savings!

30-Day Satisfaction Guarantee

Joining this program is the best investment you can make for yourself if you’re looking to succeed in the ecommerce industry. But we know you want to make sure you’re not exposing yourself to unnecessary risks, and that you can get your money’s worth.

That said, to make it easier for you, we´re taking all the risks and will give you the option to try this program for 30 days and if you do all the steps outlined in the course and show proof that you did them within a 30-day period and did not make more than what this investment costs, you’ll get 100% of your money back, GUARANTEED.

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Store Even If You're A Beginner!

You may think getting into eCommerce is scary.
I know, because the idea of getting started in eCommerce was pretty scary to me when I started out.

But I’m here to tell you that there’s nothing scarier than being stuck in a never ending cycle of “What Ifs.”

You deserve to make more…

To have more time with your family…

To enjoy life…

And give your loved ones the things you’ve always dreamed of giving them.

All you need to do is take action.

This training will take you by the hand and show you exactly how to build your very first Facebook store from A-Z.
You´ll discover my secret tactics and hacks to help speed up your progress and avoid the pitfalls and risks other sellers struggle with.
After finishing this training, you’ll have the blueprint and the knowledge to build any type of Facebook store you want so that your stores are primed for success.
No more trial and error or trying to figure things out on your own. Everything will be laid out for you and all you have to do is take action.

So if you’re serious about learning how to make multiple 6 to 7 figures from ecommerce, now’s the time to act.
Click the button below and sign up for my The Scaling Secrets course.

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by The Scaling Secrets